OREANDA-NEWS. May 21, 2012. ABBYY®, a leading provider of document recognition, data capture and linguistic technologies and professional services, has been selected by FileBound Document Management Solutions to enhance its document recognition capabilities. Embedded into every license, ABBYY FineReader® Engine 10 enables FileBound users to easily convert paper documents of all types into digital formats that can be easily searched and managed. The combined solution simplifies document and forms processing in industries where distributed access to accurate information and data is critical, such as healthcare.

"Constantly being asked to do more with less, our customers are always looking for better ways of managing and processing documents so that staff spend less time manually entering documents into the system, and more driving the business forward," said Rex Lamb, Co-Founder and Chairman of FileBound. "After carefully evaluating several solutions, ABBYY FineReader emerged as the clear integration choice because of its best of breed accuracy and language support."

FineReader Engine 10 adds a new dimension to FileBound by including powerful document recognition and PDF conversion functionality that significantly improves the end user's document processing capabilities. With the integration of FineReader Engine 10, FileBound delivers award-winning document recognition technology to end users, helping them streamline document workflows and conversion. Leveraging FineReader Engine 10's optical character recognition (OCR), document imaging, and PDF conversion technologies, FileBound improves organizational document management and availability, and provides the agility, scalability, and cost controls enterprise organizations require.

FineReader Engine 10 is a state-of-the-art Software Development Kit (SDK) that enables application and software developers to easily integrate core document recognition technologies into their solution. Included within the SDK are easy-to-use tools for creating templates of fixed forms such as questionnaires, surveys and tests, allowing developers to meet the individual document management needs of their target markets. It also provides a unique base of recognition languages including more than 180 languages for OCR and more than 110 languages for intelligent character recognition (ICR), enabling developers to quickly and easily extend their solutions to a global customer base.

"In many industries, like healthcare, the ability to process and access accurate information in digital formats, quickly, is mission critical," said Dean Tang, CEO at ABBYY USA. "FineReader Engine allows developers to easily integrate our award-winning OCR technology into their applications, satisfying their customers' document recognition needs."