OREANDA-NEWS. May 22, 2012. The development of new projects by PDVSA Socialista in the West Region will boost oil and gas production as part of the policy of Full Oil Sovereignty being conducted by the Bolivarian government, led by Commander President Hugo Chavez.

The People's Minister for Petroleum and Mining and president of PDVSA Socialista, Rafael Ramirez, noted that these works of industrial infrastructure ensure a production of approximately 870 thousand barrels of crude at the end of 2012.

Ramirez announced these projects within the framework of regular meetings that has been doing with  the Board of Directors of Petroleos de Venezuela, in different operational areas of the country in order to track the target of 3 500 billion barrels of oil a day committed for this year.

From the Lagunillas municipality of Zulia state, Ramirez said that among the most important projects we have the construction progress in the Franquera area - La Ceiba, Division south of Lake-Trujillo, the installation of flexible pipes in the Maracaibo Lake, in  which the oil industry strengthen its production levels, and promotes the consolidation of the Lake.

Similarly, the execution of steam injection projects in the East Coast Division of the Lake progresses, the drilling of wells in the four divisions of PDVSA Socialista in the West, and the incorporation of portable boilers for steam alternates injection.

Process optimization

Among the new projects in the Lake Maracaibo, it includes the installation of flexible pipes in production areas, the change in method and gas opportunities in the West.

The installation of flexible pipes is scheduled to take place in three phases: the replacement of gas lines and wells flow lines 3, 4 and 6 inch pipe using 9, 12 and 16 inches for the replacement of eleven pipelines and Construction of a plant for the manufacture of flexible hoses in Venezuela.  The benefits have to do with increased life span of pipes (more than 20 years), the decrease of the frequency rate of failures or leaks and environmental protection.

In a year, it has installed more than 400 kilometers of pipeline from 982, which is provided for the first phase for implementation of 534 wells associated with an output of 84 thousand barrels of oil and 121 million cubic feet of gas.

The second proposal involves optimizing the use of the energy required for lifting system with mechanical pumps, of progressive cavity, and electrosumergible, thus improving the reliability of the production system of oil, gas savings, and increased productivity.

In addition, new gas opportunities in the West ensure the starting and operational continuity of Complex Ana Maria Campos, in order to leverage energy sovereignty to minimize dependence on gas supplies from Colombia.

With the plan it has been laid 79 kilometers of pipes, there are over 41 producing wells with an average of over 42 million cubic feet of gas, which also serve to strengthen the production of urea for the Mission Agro Venezuela and raw materials for the manufacture of plastics.


Another major project that consolidates the Executive Director of PDVSA Socialista West is the building of an Atomizable Dispersed Oil plant (Cruda) in Farm Tank Tasajera in Lagunillas municipality.

This plant will produce liquid fuel for steam generation in the East Coast of the Lake.  This is a project to leverage the production of oil for the districts Tia Juana, Lagunillas and Bachaquero that will influence production over 45,000 barrels of oil per day by December 2013.

The fuel generated will be used in 42 steam generators, two in existence, and 40, which come from Canada and China later this year.  These boilers produce water vapor that is injected into the wells for stimulation of the reservoir.  Each barrel used as a fuel will result in an increased production approximately 8 barrels net and a savings of USD  136 by substituting the oil by use of Cruda plant.

Through this effort, the East Coast of the lake Division of PDVSA will achieve more autonomy in production and supply of fuel and increase operational reliability.

The plan is in the stage of procurement and in contracting process for construction.  Its completion is expected by the end of 2012, with an estimated investment of 235 million bolivars, recovered in five months.

Thus, PDVSA Western Socialista consolidates its expansion plans in the area to maintain and improve operational efficiency in each of its processes as it ratified the Minister Ramirez in the board meeting that is conducted weekly to track and faithful meet the goals of the oil industry.