OREANDA-NEWS. June 9, 2012. Director of Marketing and Trading of PT Pertamina (Persero) Hanung Budya Yuktyanta visited the fuel station (SPBU) to monitor the implementation of new subsidized fuel saving program - by putting sticker on government vehicles.

The monitoring was conducted at fuel station SPBU 34-12708 Jl Kapten Tendean No.38 Kelurahan Kuningan Barat Kec. Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta. The monitoring visit was to oversee the implementation of sticker system on government cars at fuel stations.

"Pertamina fuel stations are always ready to support subsidized fuel saving program, implemented by the government. Beside making sure that the sticker system runs well, Pertamina also ensures the availability of Pertamax and Pertamax Plus as the replacement of Premium for government cars," Hanung Budya Yuktyanta said.

The government has issued the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Regulation No. 12 Year 2012 on the Control of Subsidized Fuel Usage. For the first phase of the policy implementation, it is started with government vehicles on 1 June 2012.

Beside visiting the fuel stations, Hanung also visited 3-kg LPG agent, PT. Dian Jan Adnan, at Jl. Mampang Prapatan XV No 6,  and two depot  to ensure the availability of stocks and to monitor the implementation of 3-kg LPG distribution restructuring program. The restructuring program is to ensure the distribution of 3-kg LPG cylinders is on-target and the quota can be met until the end of the year.

"We want to convey this message to the public, that 3-kg LPG stock is on sufficient level," he said.

Pertamina as the implementer of Kerosene-to-LPG conversion program has received the distribution quota of 3.61 million MT for year 2012. The distribution of the 3-kg LPG for the first quarter of 2012 has reached 1.17 million MT.

Pertamina currently has conducted extra distribution to fulfill the public demand at several areas, including Greater Jakarta, West Java, and Central Java. The additional 3-kg LPG stock in average has reached around 50 percent above the daily allocation for these areas.

For example, Pertamina has done extra dropping of 636,360 3-kg LPG cylinders for Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta, and Subang area for the past 6 days. It means the additional supply volume has reached 106,060 cylinders more than normal daily allocation for these four areas, which usually only at 242,432 cylinders.

The allocation and the Highest Retail Price (HET) of 3-kg LPG cylinders are determined by the Government based on the suggestion by local governments. This is stipulated in joint-regulation of Minister for Internal Affairs No. 17/2011 and Minister for Energy and Natural Resources No. 05/2011.