OREANDA-NEWS. July 09, 2012. Donetsk region has significant perspectives of agricultural development. It was stated by the President at celebrations on occasion of 80th anniversary of Donetsk region.

The President noted: Potential of Donbass is not limited only by its traditional industries like metallurgy and coal industry. “Donbass is able to suggest all the country its examples of efficient organization of livestock systems on industrial basis,” he said.

At the same time, according to the President, the region has many problems that need solution that must be found jointly. “I count on countrymen and I am confident that they won’t let us down,” he noted.

According to the President’s belief, in finding solutions to the problems one must use the achievements of science, particularly of Donetsk scientific center which is one of the best in Ukraine.

The President also reminded that 10 years ago with participation of National Academy of Sciences the Program of scientific and technological development of the region until 2020 was elaborated.  According to the President’s belief, it is necessary to sum up intermediate results of its realization and adjust future plans.

He also emphasized the importance of tourism and entertainment sector development. “The demand for this sector will be increasing. Especially after the successful holding of EURO-2012 that opened Ukraine for many Europeans,” the President noted.