OREANDA-NEWS. July 10, 2012. The Level of trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Sudan does not match the potential of both countries. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov said this during a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Sudan Ali Ahmed Carty.

"Considering our trade and economic relations, we can say that they fall far short of the potential of our countries and we must work to increase the turnover in 10 time at least", - stressed the Head of Government. In his opinion, the Intergovernmental Commission on trade and economic cooperation could work more effectively. Ukraine on its part asked the Sudanese side to consider the formation of the Sudanese part of the bilateral commission.

"The development of political dialogue will enhance economic cooperation in transport, energy, construction, agriculture, mining," - Prime Minister outlined the directions of bilateral cooperation.

"I welcome the invitation of the Sudanese side to Ukrainian Economy and Energy Ministers visit your country. Our Ministers make a visit, you only need to make this visit would has the practical realization" - Mykola Azarov said. In this regard, Prime Minister of Ukraine proposed to include in the delegation experts and representatives of business circles.

Thus Mykola Azarov noted the potential of Ukraine in the sphere of construction and reminded that Ukraine has recently hold Euro 2012. Construction staff has experience in construction of top-class objects and are ready to apply this experience as in the Ukraine, as where in the world. The Prime Minister also noted the potential of Ukraine in agriculture. "For six months we have exported 23 million tons of grain," - he said.

In turn, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Sudan Ali Ahmed Carty noted long-standing historical relations between Ukraine and Sudan in the humanitarian sphere, which began even before the independence of Ukraine, including many students from Sudan have been trained in Ukrainian universities. He also noted that Sudanese President pays personal attention to developing relations with Ukraine, "In the context of the Sudanese-Ukrainian relations, the President of Sudan has decided to deepen diplomatic ties to a new level of cooperation." In particular, the embassy of Sudan in Ukraine will be opened in the near future.

In addition, Ali Ahmed Carty invited the Head of the Government of Ukraine at a convenient time to visit the Sudan. He also reported on the visit to Ukraine ministers which will be held in the near future. During the visit, agreements on the establishment of a bilateral intergovernmental commission will be signed.