OREANDA-NEWS. July 12, 2012. The adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the new law on employment is an extremely important step for building in Ukraine a modern labor market, taking into account the best world standards. This was stated by the national coordinator of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Ukraine Vasyl Kostritsa.

"This law will positively reflect on the development of the modern labor market, preparing a solid foundation for employment and reduce unemployment in Ukraine", - said the representative of the ILO in Ukraine.

Vasyl Kostritsa noted that the law has been prepared with the active participation of experts of the International Labour Organization, which provided technical and informational assistance to the Ministry for Social Policy. According to him, the law not only contains the basic provisions of the relevant International Labour Organization conventions, but also allows for better legislation and practice in many countries.

Also Vasily Kostritsa noted that the ILO intends to distribute the Ukrainian experience in the world, particularly among countries that improve their own legislation on employment.

"It is important to emphasize that the preparation and adoption of the law is an important first step in the implementation of the National Tripartite Agreement on employment and jobs, which was signed by the Government, representatives of trade unions and employers on June 1 this year" - the coordinator of the ILO in Ukraine said.