OREANDA-NEWS. July 17, 2012. Bundestag member and former Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Michael Glos, shared the Germany’ experience in building the economic system, including the establishment of relations between the state, business and society. According to Glos, in order to develop its economy, Kyrgyzstan needs to fight corruption and to increasingly rely on its own resources, reported the press-centre of IBC.

The representatives of German company Knauf, the world's largest manufacturer of building materials for interior and exterior linings, informed about the history of the company and its achievements. Knauf is one of Europe's leading building materials manufacturers. The company manufactures and supplies high quality and innovative products and systems.

Knauf representatives explained that company’s reputation has been built on service, reliability and responsiveness. “We are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment,” they added.

The Knauf group has about 200 plants in 37 countries in Europe, Asia, USA and South America. Knauf one of the first companies that invested in the modernization and construction of modern plants in Eastern Europe and the CIS.

The meeting was held in the German Embassy and was attended by German Ambassador to the Kyrgyzstan Gudrun Maria Srega, as well as representatives of Reemtsma Kyrgyzstan, IBC, the Council for Business Development and Investment under the Government and the Group of Russian companies in Kyrgyzstan.