OREANDA-NEWS.  July 18, 2012. As it was informed in the "Rosselkhoznadzor", the first two of Moldovan meat-packing plants were entitled to export finished products to Russia and other countries of the Customs Union. In addition, another company from Moldova was allowed to supply livestock products.

According to authorities, as a result of the inspection of Moldovan enterprises producing products of animal origin, held in May 2012 by Rosselkhoznadzor experts together with representatives of the Veterinary Service of Moldova, in the Register of organizations and individuals engaged in production, processing and (or) the storage of controlled goods imported into customs territory of the Customs Union, from July 12 included three companies: Carne-Sud (Taraclia district,. Tvarditsa), Carmez (Chisinau), Hanuco (Drochia district,. Petreni). At the same time against several Moldovan enterprises engaged in manufacturing products of animal origin, were introduced restrictive measures.

For example, in connection with the suspension of certification of enterprises, "Lemos Carne" and "Mistor Bras" until further instructions, "Rosselkhoznadzor" from July 12, prohibited the importation of goods into the territory of the Customs Union. With respect to the company "Tehnostel Car" were repealed time restrictions on deliveries to the territory of the Customs Union and introduced the regime intensified laboratory monitoring.

To date, the right to supply meat to Russia has seven Moldovan companies: IDT din Bardar, "Mistor-Bras", "Antadro", "Lemos Carne," "Navelina", "Tehnostel Kar", Hanuco, and the finished meat products - two Company: Carne-Sud and Carmez.