OREANDA-NEWS. August 03, 2012. According to the published balance sheet of the NBM in January-June 2012, the National Bank balance sheet as at 30 June 2012 amounted to 30 billion 158.1 million lei, exceeding the same period in 2011 to 10.9%.

In the liabilities of the National Bank the amount of cash in circulation increased by 7.7% - to 12.6 billion lei, the money the government decreased by 1.7 times - up to 1 billion 440.4 million lei, as a means of banking institutions increased by 27 6% - up to 5 billion 004.1 million lei. The share capital of the NBM increased by 14.2% - up to 330 million lei.

According to the balance sheet of the NBM, the assets of the bank the amount of cash and short-term placements with banks in January-June 2012 amounted to 9 billion 818.1 million lei, increasing by 32.9% over the same period of 2011 Monetary gold was 45.8 million lei. The volume of investment securities increased by 4.8% - to 15.38 billion lei.

Debt securities of international financial institutions remained the same - 2.29 billion lei. Long-term tangible assets of the National Bank also did not change - 17.2 million lei. Intangible assets increased by 7.8 times - up to 12.5 million lei, and other assets - 2.3 times - up to 10.2 million lei.