OREANDA-NEWS. August 30, 2012. The last lap of the 17th Charitable Red Square Bicycle Race made the finish in Vasilyevski Slope. ITERA International Group of Companies traditionally assisted the event.  A team of the Company and the Federation of Bicycling of Russia participated in the race. Vyacheslav Yakimov, a three times Olympic Champion, headed the lap, reported the press-centre of ITERA. 

The Red Square Bicycle Race was held by Sports in the Blessing Fund. The Fund is involved in providing help to children with disabilities, such as Down’s syndrome. This year, the Bicycle Race started in the Kaluga Region on August 24 and made the finish in Red Square on August 26.   Participants in the race covered over 150 kilometers within the two days. Over 500 people took part in the mass finish, which route passed along the Moskva River quays from Luzhniki to the Saint Basil the Blessed Temple. Children and parents gathered in Red Square. While waiting for the race finish children received evolutive gifts from ITERA and listened to a celebratory concert.

After the race finish, Vyacheslav Yakimov read a word of salutation to participants in the race from Igor Makarov, President of Federation of Bicycling of Russia, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ITERA International Group of Companies.

"It is very pleasant for me that the year of 2012 is the anniversary year both for ITERA which is 20 years old now, and for Sports in the Blessing Charitable Fund, which has celebrated its 15th anniversary", – I. Makarov pointed out.

"… Bicycle is a symbol of a healthy way of life and good mood for children and adults… Participants in this event prove to us by their own example that together we are able to make this world a little better, more kind and bright. They delight us with their energy, solidarity, courage and love to sports. From the bottom of my heart I share this admiration and I wish all of you good luck, new competitions, laughter and sound health. Be happy!", - I. Makarov's greeting said.