OREANDA-NEWS. August 30, 2012. State reserve products enriched with vitamins and minerals need to people who work in stressful situations - to protect the body. This opinion was expressed by the State Reserve Chairman Oleksiy Lelyuk during presentation of a new modern line for flour packing of the SE "Novopokrovskiy Bread Factory".

This company is a part of the state reserve and is a pioneer of modernization. It is the first which begin the production of high quality flour, which includes thiamine, riboflavin, iron, niacin, B vitamins that work in stressful situations - to protect the body.

"Fortified foods are recommended for those professionals that are working in extreme conditions: Emergency Situations Ministry staff, rescuers, miners. They need to be strengthened fortified food that will give them additional strength and energy. Give the possibility that the body is not so much wore out, "- Oleksiy Lelyuk said.

"Scientists have proven that the human body copes with stressful conditions with help of selenium, iron, vitamins B1 and B2: all of these useful components have in our products." - Said Oleksiy Lelyuk.

"We will actively implement them, and not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. There is a great interest in enriched flour in Moldova, Russia", - Oleksiy Lelyuk said.