OREANDA-NEWS. September 06, 2012. Sberbank launched its new permanent crowdsourcing platform – Sberbank Crowdsourcing. The site, available to all Internet users, is designed to solve important business problems of the bank and its customers. In addition, it provides for the development of professional communities where various departments of Sberbank can post their targeted requests to address urgent problems. The site is available at www.sberbank21.ru, reported the press-centre of Sberbank.

The very first Sberbank Crowdsourcing projects will be "public hearings" on the Report on Corporate Social Responsibility of Sberbank for 2011 and the "No Queues!" initiative aimed at finding solutions to reduce the time spent by the customers in waiting lines.

Following the completion of these projects, the participants who suggested the most interesting ideas will receive "THANK YOU" bonus points and other prizes. The Prize Fund of each project is about 200 thousand bonus points.

"Sberbank is one of the first Russian corporations that integrates crowdsourcing methods into its business processes by allowing to make decisions based on the involvement of the large number of people", said Denis Bugrov, Senior Vice President of Sberbank of Russia. – We engage all employees of the bank in creating the value not only at their workplace but also through participation in the innovation process. Our goal is to create an environment where all employees generate ideas, key managers actively support and implement the best of these ideas, while customers, partners and creatively active people participate in solving complex tasks."

The site was designed by Sberbank Technologies, a subsidiary of Sberbank. "I am very happy that we participated in this project by developing the design and providing the layout of the website", said Denis Kalinin, General Director, Sberbank Technologies. – Sberbank is demonstrating again that it is the leader in new solutions and technologies."