OREANDA-NEWS. September 14, 2012. POSCO officially opened its public blog Hello POSCO (http://blog.posco.com) on September 3rd to strengthen communication externally. `Hello POSCO` will deliver various passionate activities of POSCO and members of POSCO, while taking its first step as a communication space for visitors to share warm stories and sympathy, reported the press-centre of POSCO. 

Hello POSCO simply explains new materials and energy researched and developed by POSCO, and delivers information on steel and various materials in our everyday lives. Also, the candid and breathtaking everyday stories of POSCO employees, the dreams of POSCO members, and the efforts of POSCO in consideration of the environment are introduced in various ways. In September, particularly in light of the hiring season, the blog will be filled with related themes such as interviews with the HR team and new employees, and others.

For this, POSCO created five categories within Hello POSCO— + POSCO + PEOPLE + TOGETHER + EVENT + NOTICE. PEOPLE will introduce various stories of POSCO in everyday life, while TOGETHER covers social contributions and shared growth activities as well as environmentally friendly projects. EVENT and NOTICE will deliver various events, corporate event information, and POSCO family news, allowing blog visitors to easily and conveniently access information.

A `strategic editorial staff` was also selected to discover various content. Twenty-four members consisting of `Storytellers,` writers for the internal blog POSCO&, and content related personnel in each department will directly find and write content, delivering various stories about POSCO to the public.

Hello POSCO can be freely accessed by anyone who is interested in POSCO. POSCO also linked a blog banner to the official POSCO website, history site, and the POSCO News website for easy access. A comment feature allows visitors to deliver their opinions while the `trackback` feature was added to form a network with other bloggers, promoting communication and letting POSCO`s abundant content be delivered to many people.

Meanwhile, POSCO also opened a Hello POSCO YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/helloposco) to deliver a variety of information utilizing video content and proactively communicate. Currently, the YouTube channel hosts approximately 46 videos including POSCO`s advertisements since 2000, the online campaign `The more you know, the closer you are,` as well as the recently popular `Distance between us` commercial.

Starting with the blog and YouTube channel, POSCO plans to utilize various social media for sincere communication, and deliver POSCO`s dream and hope through staged goals of opening and participation, and shared values.