OREANDA-NEWS. September 17, 2012. Ukraine is ready to deepen energy cooperation with Turkey. It was stated by the President at the Second meeting of Ukrainian-Turkish Strategic Council of the high level in Kyiv.

"We are ready to deepen cooperation in joint exploration and production of energy material, development of transport infrastructure," the President said.

The Head of State stressed the "intensive dialogue" between Ukraine and Turkey in the energy sphere, particularly the regular contacts between the profile ministries.

“I would like to stress our interest in acceding to the project of Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline – we’ve discussed this issue with Mr. Prime Minister,” Viktor Yanukovych noted.

In his turn, the Prime Minister of Turkey also stressed the importance of energy cooperation with Ukraine. “It is an important area of our cooperation which would provide intensity to our relations,” he said. “Later, this interaction can be realized in projects on the transportation of electricity, construction of underground storage facilities in Turkey and the joint production of hydrocarbons”.

"We know that energy issue is serious for Ukraine, that’s why we want to develop bilateral relations in the energy sector," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.