OREANDA-NEWS. October 02, 2012. At a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers it has been approved the draft law "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the milk and milk products" and other legislation to strengthen measures to combat counterfeiting of dairy products".

According to this document, the producers for milk products will have to indicate on the packaging that the product uses vegetable fats. This was announced by the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Prysyazhnyuk.

"Until now, the domestic legislation allows the use in milk-products to 75% of vegetable fats. However, with the adoption of the bill milk-products, which have a vegetable fats will be marked and sold in stores on particular shelves. In addition, according to the document, the allowable percentage of vegetable fats will be reduced to 50%. Such a limit line operates in the EU and Russia" - the Minister said.

Mykola Prysyazhnyuk also said that dairy products made from whole milk, will also be sold in separate shelves and on the packaging will be indicated that this is a product-free vegetable fats. This, according to the Minister, will help consumers to distinguish between these two types of products.

Mykola Prysyazhnyuk stressed that the adoption of this bill will ensure the rights of consumers and gives them a choice.

"In general, the bill will promote a positive investment and economic climate of the country and will supply to the domestic market of quality food products that will meet the requirements of the applicable regulations for safety and quality" - said the Minister.