OREANDA-NEWS. October 04, 2012. Andrei Lavrischev participated the Rosmorrechflot Council guest meeting in Vladivostok on September, reported the press-centre of Rosmorport.   

Representatives of Mintrans of Russia, Rostransnadzor and other legislative and executive authorities of federal and regional levels took part in the meeting, as well as commercial and public organizations and associations of sea and river transport were represented in the Council.

During the meeting, which took place in the Nevelskogo State Naval University, wide range of problem issues on dependent educational institutions of sea and river transport orientation and issues on the sector development, interdepartmental interaction in traffic centres, public-private partnership functioning were discussed.

The Rosmorrechflot Council program also included a visit to the Nadezhda sailing vessel, inspection of objects of the city transport infrastructure constructed for the APEC-2012 summit.

The guest meeting was closed with the solemn ceremony of  laying of the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker chapel foundation stone at the Nevelskogo State Naval University territory, the ceremony of initiation into cadets of the first-year students and the wreath-laying ceremony to the eternal fire at the submarine S-56 memorial.