OREANDA-NEWS. October 04, 2012. As Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vasile Bumacov stated press conference, the event is going to be taken part in by two Transdniestrian companies. For example production made at Kvint will be for the first time presented on Wine Day.

The budget of the event makes close to 1 mln. leis. According to Vasile Bumcacov, Wine Day is to be celebrated on the first weekend of October so as not to concur with City Day. “Keeping Wine Day in a wormer spell will attract more tourists” Vasile Bumacov says. This year the testing will be less spontaneous and food will be sold in a pavilion, the Minister adds. The Minister is going to take part in preparing dishes of national cuisine, he says. Wine Day will be taken part in by close to 50 companies.

According to Vasile Bumacov, winemaking is a very important branch for Moldova and Wine Day is designed to promote it. However, this good intention is often spoiled by some Moldovan restaurants' overstating prices for wine. Vasiele Bumacov called on winemakers and owners of restaurants to cooperate and set affordable prices for wines so that to make them more attractive for tourists.

The Minister expressed confidence that the current week the Parliament would pass the law which treats wine as foodstuff but not alcohol. He stressed Moldova is increasing wine export to both: new markets, such as China and EU, and to old ones (Russia Kazakhstan).