OREANDA-NEWS. October 05, 2012. The “Summit on Wealth Management Cooperation and Development and the Fifth Award Ceremony of China Outstanding Trust Companies” sponsored jointly by Securities Times and New Fortune was held in Shenzhen. China Industrial International Trust Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Industrial Trust” won the general prize of “2011 China Outstanding Trust Company” with its powerful development momentum and good business performance, reported the press-centre of IB.

Meanwhile, “Industrial Trust BF Phase 2 (Xingzhou) Portfolio Fund Trust Plan” won the prize of “2011 Best Trust Plan for Securities Investment”.

The “Appraisal of China Outstanding Trust Companies” initiated by Securities Times has been held successfully for five consecutive times, and a professional appraisal system giving priority to the performance data calculation and appraisal committee of authoritative experts. Covering most trust companies at home, it is one of the appraisals with the greatest influence in the Chinese trust industry, and the prizes set have high public credibility and market influence. Specifically, the prize of “China Outstanding Trust Company” is a general one of the “Appraisal of China Outstanding Trust Companies” sponsored by Securities Times, and it is mainly given to those trust companies with strong innovation awareness and good risk control that have business indexes ranking front in the Chinese trust industry, boast outstanding profitability, and organize compliant management and that can provide value-added services to customers and exert their capabilities in the management of corporate assets fully as trust companies.

Since 2011, under the correct leading of CPC IB Committee and Fujian Banking Regulatory Bureau and with the vigorous support of all shareholders, IB Trust has become the trust company controlled by a commercial bank in China approved by the State Council after its stock restructuring of strategic significance. While fully exerting its advantages as a trust company in the banking system, the company has established a clearer development strategy and model, standardized and improved its internal management, built a well-established organizational structure and network across China at a fast rate, and maintained a fast and sound development momentum of all businesses. With its frog-leap development, IB Trust has also improved its industrial position and market influence significantly. At the end of June 2012, the registered capital of IB Trust reached RMB 1.288 billion and its total fixed assets amounted to RMB 3.57 billion. The company boasted a trust business scale of RMB 153.838 billion, ranking among the top 10 in the Chinese trust industry.

In the next stage, IB Trust will, based on the development strategy and orientation of “Basing in Fujian, Serving Western Taiwan Straits and Radiating China”, continue laying equal stress on operation and management, and exert itself to improve its capabilities in developing business and providing services, so as to further shape its business features and core competitive edges. It will devote itself to building an outstanding integrated trust service supplier, superior investment management supplier and a first-rate integrated trust company with diversified and distinctive services across China, making contributions to the construction of West Taiwan Straits Economic Zone.