OREANDA-NEWS. October 23, 2012. The Parliament of Moldova passes the draft law of the mandatory healthcare insurance fund for 2013 in the first reading.
According to Health Minister Andrei Usati, revenues of the fund of mandatory healthcare insurance are to make up 4 bln. 078 mln. leis, 3.8% up in 2013. Its expenditures will grow 4.9% - to 4 bln. 178 mln. leis.

The deficit is expected to be 100 mln. It is to be covered from the balance of funds accumulated at the beginning of 2013. The fund of the mandatory healthcare insurance will be baked with 2 bln. 142.4 mln. leis from the state budget in 2013.

The price for the mandatory healthcare insurance policy is to increase 336 leis, or 11.3%, to 3318 leis in 2013, the draft law states. In line with the document, the 50% rebate is still valid if the policy is bought within the first three months since the law comes into effect. Owners of agricultural lands can buy the policy at the 75% rebate till the end of the harvesting.

As before, an employer and an employee will contribute to the healthcare fund 7% of the wage and other payments.