OREANDA-NEWS. October 26, 2012. The strategic document was signed by the Governor of Omsk region Viktor Nazarov, Managing Director of ThуssenKrupp Metallurgical Products GmbH Joerg Glebe and Chief Manager of Feedstock Department Klaus Diedrichkeit, and also Chairman of Board of Directors of CJSC “Group of Companies “Titan” Mikhail Sutyaginsky, reported the press-centre of Titan.    

In negotiation of the future cooperation of Omsk Region and FRG also participated Deputy Chairman of the Government of Omsk region Alexander Trippel, Director General of CJSC “Group of Companies “Titan” Valery Boyko, representatives of companies CJSC NPO “Silarus”, Otto Wolff (Germany) etc.

According to the document the parties agreed to join efforts aimed at development and realization of investment projects, foreseeing creation of a complex of advanced innovative enterprises on the territory of Omsk region. Viktor Nazarov confirmed consent of the Government of the region to participate in the development of joint projects with the German party: “We give hundred percent guaranty that our party will do everything it can for efficient cooperation”. Mr. Glebe explained, that concern ThуssenKruppis ready to supply equipment and technologies on the future production facilities of PARK, including those on the territory of Omsk region, and also undertake function on partial realization of ready products and even to enter shareholders’ panel. Besides, the businessman emphasized, that organization of the project’s financing also lies under competence of the German company.

Mikhail Sutyaginsky, in turn, noted, that attraction of foreign investments is possible only in case if the future production facilities undergo ecological expertise in Germany: “In Europe there are very strict requirements to the ecology of the enterprises. If we want to acquire financing through the German colleagues, we will have to pass double ecological control. It will be significant guaranty of the safety of PARK industry”. Gerald Zeminsky, Chief Manager of direction “Steel and Machines” of ThуssenKrupp Metallurgical Products GmbH, spoke on the practical aspect of the issue: “Stake in the project is made on innovative technologies. Aim of our party is to supply advanced equipment, which will allow to reduce production costs”.

The German delegation had already visited the sites of PARK, paying special attention to energy capacities of the Northern industrial zone. Let us mention, that ThyssenKrupp and GC “Titan” already have experience of international cooperation on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Karaganda, where one of the most modern metallurgical silicon plants in the world is functioning. Mr. Glebe emphasized exactly this fact in his speech:

– We evaluate the result of the negotiations very positively. Group of Companies “Titan” has been a partner of ThyssenKrupp for seven years, this is why we are sure of the successfulness of our new joint project. “Titan” possesses not only financial and production facilities, but also organizational facilities.