OREANDA-NEWS. November 02, 2012. The heads of energy companies and the headquarters for power supply safety in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation gathered for a National meeting “On Preparing the Agents of the Electric Power Market for the Work in the Autumn and Winter Period 2012/2013 and Developing the Market of Electric Power and Capacity” . Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) for Control over Electric Power Industry, Elena Tsyshevskaya, made a report about “Pressing Issues of the Antimonopoly Law on the Electric Power Market” , reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.   

“The most widespread type of violations of the antimonopoly law in the electric power industry is still violations by network organizations in the course of providing technological connection to electric networks and power transmission services”, emphasized Elena Tsyshevskaya. She talked about the measures aimed at preventing violations of the antimonopoly law and increasing energy efficiency.

“FAS participation in public discussions of controversial issues related to operation of the agents of electric power markets and open review of prospective development of market relations in this field is an important element of achieving transparency of the efforts of the antimonopoly authority and of competition advocacy in general”, said Elena Tsyshevskaya.