OREANDA-NEWS. November 7, 2012. One of the main issues on the agenda of the session of the Government of Karelia on October, 29 was consideration of the Concept of Social and Economic Development of the Republic through to 2017. Head of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen chaired the session. Besides the Cabinet Ministers, Valentina Pivnenko, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation, Alexander Hynninen, Chief Federal Inspector in the Republic of Karelia, deputies of the Legislative Assembley, heads of municipal formations, and heads of republic's departments of federal authorities took part in the session.

Valentin Chmil, Deputy Head of the Republic of Karelia and Minister of Economic Development presented the Draft Concept of Social and Economic Development of the Republic.

According to Valentin Chmil, the Concept was developed by a working group which included representatives of the republic and federal executive bodies, local self-government, scientific and public organizations. Besides, the Draft Concept was consulted widely through public appeal of the Head of Karelia to citizens of the republic. The guidelines of social and economic policy of the Government of Karelia through to 2017 approved on September 7, 2012 at the enlarged session of the Government of the republic were assumed as a basis for the Concept.