OREANDA-NEWS. December 07, 2012. Arkhangelsk City Duma has approved a Program for the integrated development of public utility infrastructure systems in Arkhangelsk for a period until 2025 at the meeting held in Arkhangelsk. The Program was drafted by BALT-AUDIT-EXPERT, the Energy Consulting Group, reported the press-centre of EC.

Leonid Zvezdunov, Practice Manager, and Elena Glushak, Project Manager, professionals of BALT-AUDIT-EXPERT Consulting Practice, participated at the meeting of the City Duma.

The Program is a set of measures, coherent with goals and objectives, resources and schedules, for new construction and update of power-heat-water and gas supply systems, water disposal systems and solid waste salvage facilities.

The Program is aimed at ensuring public utility infrastructure systems in compliance with requirements of housing & industrial construction, increasing quality of produced consumer goods (rendered services), and improvement of ecological situation on the territory of Arkhangelsk.

The Program has been drafted for the period 2013-2025. Total financial need for the launch of the Program amounts to 78.9 billion Rubles. The Program was adopted by a majority of votes.

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