OREANDA-NEWS. December 17, 2012. At the Board of Directors Meeting of Russian - Czech Chamber of Commerce Rusatom Overseas became its new member. The Chamber was founded in September 2012, in November it was officially registered.
Joining Rusatom Overseas was approved by the participants.
According to Anatoly Safonov, Deputy General Director of Rusatom Overseas, "I am convinced that the benefits of any decision in business must be examined the results. Given that the Rosatom group has very intensive trade relations with Czech companies, we consider joining of Rusatom Overseas to this organization as a logical and reasonable step".
The session of the Chamber was also attended by Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Czech Republic Sergey Kiselev and Commercial Counselor of the Russian Federation Alexander Turov. Joining of new members in Russian - Czech Chamber of Commerce was also welcomed by the co-president of the Czech side - President of Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic Petr Kuћel.
Joining of Rusatom Overseas to Russian - Czech Chamber of Commerce came shortly after its office in the Czech Republic was registered in mid November. The key task of the Prague office is to engage Czech companies in the global supply chain of Rosatom group for the realization of projects in Russia, the Czech Republic and many other countries.