OREANDA-NEWS.  January 17, 2013. Thomson Reuters, one of the most reputable information source channels for business, released its M&A Legal Review 2012, reported the press-centre of SORAINEN.

This ranks SORAINEN as the highest ever Baltic and Belarus law firm in the history of the Thomson Reuters league tables. SORAINEN, with the highest rank for closed regional transactions in 2012, now stands second overall in the Eastern Europe league table.

By a difference of only one transaction SORAINEN in Eastern Europe stands close behind CMS, a leading international law firm with over 40 offices in 23 countries in Europe.

Thomson Reuters rankings are based on the number of closed mergers, acquisitions, repurchases, spin-offs, self-tenders, minority stake purchases and debt restructuring transactions with a value not exceeding USD 500 million advised by law firms during 2012.

During 2012 SORAINEN advised on 27 transactions in Eastern Europe with a disclosed total value over EUR 144 million, thus meeting the Thomson Reuters criteria. Featuring among the most notable transactions advised by SORAINEN in 2012 are the Fortum strategic sale of Fortum Energiaratkaisut and Fortum Termest for EUR 200 million (the largest closed transaction in the Baltics in 2012), Sanoma’s sale of its kiosk, book and press distribution operations in the three Baltic States for a combined value of around EUR 140 million (the second largest Baltic transaction in 2012), the Tallink Grupp acquisition by Baltic Cruises Holding LP for approx EUR 117 million, Chevron’s strategic investment through acquisition of the Lithuanian hydrocarbons exploration company, and others.

According to the Thomson Reuters Nordic league tables, SORAINEN is also the highest ranked Baltic and Belarus law firm in the Nordic region in 2012. It stands 12th in the league table with 19 deals advised at a total value over EUR 225 million.