OREANDA-NEWS. January 25, 2013. The State Administration of Railway Transport (Ukrzaliznytsya, UZ) will provide adequate social protection of railmen and their labor rights. Draft consolidated financial plan of railways of Ukraine allocated significant funding to address the social problems of the sector.

These funds will be directed to: ensuring proper working conditions, medical insurance and railroad assistance to veterans and retirees and others. Overall in 2013, for these and other social needs of railway employees is planned to allocate about UAH 1.3 billion, which is 13.4% more than last year. Another UAH 1.6 billion will be directed to pay allowances for long service. This was announced on January 26 during a briefing at the Government House by Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Kozak.

On condition that financial plan will be approved UZ this year increase by 8.1% cost for social infrastructure, including sports, cultural institutions, dormitories, etc. "Railways fully met all obligations in 2012. This amount totaled almost UAH 2.6 billion. These are maintenance of cultural and recreational facilities, medical services, payment of financial assistance and more. In 2013 according to the sectoral agreement, this amount will reach UAH 2.9 billion, which is 8% more than last year", Volodymyr Kozak said.

Overall railways of Ukraine held 66 health institutions, 46 cultural institutions and 50 sports public places. In addition, health, sports and cultural institutions will be provided with financial assistance by 10.6% more than last year.

The project of the financial plan for 2013 year is also provided to increase financial assistance for 94 medical and educational institutions (13 colleges and 4 universities). For example, Medical institutions of UZ will receive costs by 17.3% more compared with 2012.

UZ will continue to support retirees and veterans. In general, 233 thousand retired railmen receive financial aid.

The current railroad to its employees guaranteed to provide the 2013 wage increase (draft financial plan railways expected increase hourly wage rates and salaries in total for the year at 15.8%, while the level of the average wage rate determined under 4322 USD.), Will continue practice of providing free tickets and pay monthly premiums for years, and employees who work irregular working hours, or engaged in harsh and hazardous conditions, will receive additional leave and related surcharges. "The railway administration has laid for 2013 salary increases of more than 15%, despite the fact that the railways have difficulty with the number of passengers", - the Minister of Infrastructure.

Ukrzaliznytsya reliably provide wage increase for current employees in 2013 year. It will continue practice of providing free tickets and pay monthly allowances for long service and employees who have irregular working hours, or engaged in harsh and hazardous conditions, will receive additional leave and extra charge. "The administration of UZ has laid for 2013 salary increases of more than 15%, despite the fact that the railways have difficulty with volume of transportation", the Minister of Infrastructure stressed.

In addition, UZ continue to implement the housing program for its employees. In 2013, for construction work laid UAH 96.473 million.

Recall that between the Ministry of Infrastructure, UZ and Unions tasks of the industry have recently been discussed and determined joint work for 2013 year. In particular, it was decided to strengthen awareness among railway workers on the reform of rail transport, which will begin after the decision of the Cabinet on creation the Ukrainian Railway public joint-stock company. The Ministry of Infrastructure once again emphasizes that reorganization of railways will not lead to cuts. In the future, the program will continue to work to improve the training and retraining of workers for the mastery of other professions, it is necessary in the modernization of the industry and the introduction of new technologies and management systems. In addition, the new public joint-stock company will fully take the obligations of the agreement between the branch of the State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine and the Unions. Also it will be saved medical, resort and recreation service of industry workers. All solutions, instruments and measures that will accompany the reform of the railway sector will be fully public and will be discussed with the public and the trade unions.

The priority of the Ministry of Infrastructure in the transport direction is provision quality freight and passenger traffic and creating appropriate working conditions for employees at all branches, and then the Ministry of Infrastructure is open to a constructive dialogue with all the trade union organizations of workers of transport industries.