OREANDA-NEWS. Are you sure you know everything about the latest computer security threats? It's easy to check in just a few minutes with the help of a short test that is part of Doctor Web's new education project. You can not only answer interesting questions but also learn new important information.

The number of new malware is growing rapidly. Thousands of new Trojan modifications designed to steal money appear hourly. Users of remote banking systems and online payment systems often don't realise that they are endangering their own money or even the financial position of an entire company.

We invite you to take our short five-question test about new banking Trojans and make sure that you know where and how you can get infected. Our test is accompanied with a detailed story on malware activity.

Doctor Web's specialists have released a special booklet in which you can learn more about malicious programs designed to steal money. The link to the booklet is distributed with free Dr.Web licenses for corporate security and for home use (for your PC and mobile device)–these are licenses that each project participant is eligible to receive.

Be vigilant and let Dr.Web help you increase your knowledge of the latest treats.