OREANDA-NEWS. On April 11, 2013 the launch of the third SKOLKOVO Startup Academy class is planned. It’s a two-month part-time programme geared to the serious entrepreneurs or corporate managers who want to get the knowledge and support in the person of mentors, business coaches and the SKOLKOVO community to launch an independent company.

With the launch of the third class the SKOLKOVO Startup Academy expands the boarders of its opportunities and offers a new studying format – the distance one. Each candidate who has successfully passed all the admission procedures and was accepted to the programme however can’t attend lectures in person now has an opportunity to listen to all professors’ courses online. Having entered the distance learning course at the SKOLKOVO Startup Academy, a student is engaged in the whole complex of the programme’s educational modules. For the international module in the Silicon Valley the student joins the core group of listeners and travels with them to study the experience of the world most successful ecosystem.

The SKOLKOVO Startup Academy programme was launched in June 2012, however it has already proved itself to be a successful and asked-for educational product of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.

Learning from the best international professors and practitioners of entrepreneurship combined with hands-on developing your project will take your startup to a whole new level.