OREANDA-NEWS. Coleman Services organized business breakfast “Successful HR practices: from recruitment to outstaffing”.

Business breakfast, devoted to HR practices, organized by Coleman Services UK, took place in BC “Palladium” on the 27th of February.

The project goal is to create the information platform for ideas and experience exchange between HR professionals from different business spheres. Large international companies such as Metro Cash&Carry, Parmalat, Coca-Cola, Siemens, UniCredit, KPMG, Mobis Parts and others, became the event participants.

The program included such reports as:

“Provider selection criteria and ways of effective cooperation”, Olga Saifullina, Metro Cash&Carry.

“Corporate culture building”, Tatiana Tkachuk, Mobis Parts CIS

“Personnel leasing: relevant, challenging, profitable”, Elena Novoselova, Coleman Services

The program ended with a speech of Olga Bantsekina, Chief Representative, Coleman Services UK, Deputy Chairman, AEB Board, focused on a draft law on general prohibition of secondment and agency labor in the Russian Federation. In case the draft law goes through the second reading it will bring huge damage to certain business areas where secondment is used; the whole investment climate of the country will become less attractive and will cause the increase of unemployment figures.

In the end of the event there was a lively discussion. Participants mentioned the fact that reported themes were really important and necessary, and agreed that similar events weren’t organized before.