OREANDA-NEWS. Veles Capital IC was ranked in TOP-5 of Russian largest investment companies by total turnover of securities in 2012, RBC.Rating agency reports after analyzing the financial data of 49 companies.

Veles Capital’s total turnover of securities exceeded 165 bln EUR in 2012. According to agency’s data the company holds 9,4% of total turnover of securities among rated companies.

Veles Capital was also ranked in TOP-5 of Russian largest stock-market operators (stock market turnover formed 63 bln EUR in 2012); TOP-5 amongst largest bond market operators (55 bln EUR).

For many years Veles Capital has been holding leading positions on Russian promissory notes markets with market share of 60%. The turnover exceeded 45 bln EUR.

Veles Capital was also ranked amongst TOP-10 of largest companies by exchange turnover ( 88 bln EUR) and TOP-3 of largest OTC-market operators (90 bln EUR).

Veles Capital’s brokerage turnover increased +15% as compared to the same period of 2011 and formed 110 bln EUR. Also the company was ranked amongst TOP-5 of largest companies by dealer turnover (25 bln EUR), mutual fund units turnover (972 mln EUR) and trust management turnover (4,6 bln EUR).

Ranking tables are available on RBC.Rating Agency’s web-page.

Veles Capital IC has been operating on the Russian financial market since 1995, rendering services on Russian equity and real estate markets for large corporate and private investors. Veles Capital brand unites investment companies in Russia, Ukraine and Cyprus; trust management companies Veles Management and VELES TRAST, Veles Capital IG rendering services in M&A consulting and private equity; Veles Development managing real estate investment projects. Veles Capital IC is one of the only few Russian investment companies with international credit rating Standard&Poor’s (B/B/ruA-, stable forecast, confirmed in December 2012). The company also has National Rating Agency reliability rating (AA+, very high reliability, first level, confirmed in February 2013).