OREANDA-NEWS. April 01, 2013. Ukraine has commenced importation of gas from Europe through Hungary. This was announced by Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov during a joint press conference with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban.

“I am extremely pleased to inform you that today, and it is a momentous event, Ukraine-Hungary border was crossed by the first molecule of gas in reverse direction. It is an extraordinary event, without exaggeration, and it means a breakthrough in the direction of energy independence of Ukraine,” Mykola Azarov emphasized.

At the same time, the head of Ukrainian Government personally thanked to his counterpart for the principal approach which afforded to finish these negotiations and to start importation of European gas to Ukraine through Hungarian territory.

“Now Ukraine has obtained an opportunity to import considerable gas volumes – it is a very significant event in the history of our bilateral relations,” the Premier of Ukraine said.

In the course of talks between the prime ministers Mykola Azarov informed that existing possibilities will enable importation of 2 bln cubic meters annually, but on the expert calculations these volumes can be increased fivefold – up to 10 bln cubic meters.

Moreover, the parties agreed to develop several other directions of hydrocarbons transporting.