OREANDA-NEWS. Hitachi announced that it has decided to reorganize the management structure of the Hitachi Group, which is currently composed of five groups, into six groups on April 1. Hitachi will establish the Automotive Systems Group.

With the intention of enabling swift response to the dynamic global changes in business models and services centered on social infrastructure, on April 1, 2012 the Hitachi Group reorganized the entire Hitachi Group into five groups to achieve an increased focus on growing fields. The automotive components business was an element of the Infrastructure Systems Group, and by promoting smoother coordination between automobiles, which are an important means of moving around urban areas, and infrastructure systems, the Infrastructure Systems Group drove initiatives to advance urban functions. Hitachi has now judged that it is necessary to bring about more speedy management decision-making because going forward there will be accelerating changes in the needs of regions and of customers.

Looking ahead, the Automotive Systems Group including Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd. aims to develop further in the global market based on growing the "local production for local consumption" business model and to be a global major player.