OREANDA-NEWS. April 02, 2013. The financial situation in Ukraine is stable, Ukraine timely pays off all financial commitments and looks with optimism on negotations with International Monetary Fund. This was infomed by Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov in an interview to M1 Hungarian channel.

“We are interested in cooperation with the International Monetary Fund. However, we have no urgent need to agree on any conditions. We have a rather strong financial economic situation. We manage to pay off all financial obligations and with optimism look to negotiations with the IMF,” Mykola Azarov told. 

The Premier reminded once again that Ukraine would not raise gas price for the population, as the IMF demands, in order to receive a loan. As, according to the onerous gas contracts of 2009, Ukraine obtains gas at unfair, highest in Europe price and does not want to shift the burden on its citizens. “A high gas price was determined by unfair gas contract with Russia. We insistently discuss with Russia reconsidering of this deal and, to my mind, certain ways of settlement of this issue have emerged,” Mykola Azarov emphasized.