OREANDA-NEWS. April 08, 2013. At the IX Annual Legal Forum of Russia organized by the “Vedomosti” newspaper the Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) Igor Artemiev discussed the Strategy for Developing Antimonopoly Regulation in 2013 - 2024.

Igor Artemiev outlined quite a few important goals set by FAS for itself. He discussed the main provisions of the Road Map for developing competition and the Strategy for developing antimonopoly regulation in 2013 – 2024. “The state of competition on the Russian economy is an indicator of successful market reforms, freedom of economic activity and equality of companies of all forms of ownership”, emphasized Igor Artemiev.

“Our strategy is an attempt to draw up a picture of the future”, pointed out the Head of the Antimonopoly Service. By 2013 FAS formed a modern legal institutional framework for protecting competition. We built-up the necessary legal environment, determined who entrepreneurs should approach, when the state and other companies do not allow them to work normally, applying methods of unfair competition. The situation, however, has not improved much, so a fundamental question emerges: is it possible to improve it by means of criminal liability? One thing is clear for us, though – criminal liability will be imposed only in the uttermost cases and constitute individual precedents. The main thing for us is that the society supports up on the issue”.

Then the Head of FAS pointed out the need to rely upon the best world practices, especially in competition. “If there are OECD recommendations adopted by 45 leading countries, we cannot but read such Recommendations. Let’s discuss them and try to implement. In my opinion, this principle must be exercised”. Igor Artemiev also emphasized efficiency of using the best international practices, particularly, in enterprise management and public service management: “I think that all federal executive bodies must work in accordance with а ISO 9001 quality management standard”.

Summing up, the Head of the Antimonopoly Service stated that it would be impossible to implement the Strategy without modernizing the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations, and the main objective of the Strategy is to go beyond protective function and move to systemic macroeconomic measures, which should result in building up precompetitive legal and institutional regime in the Russian economy.