OREANDA-NEWS. Hitachi Ltd. announced that it has added a new "Hitachi WAN Accelerator Office Model" (hereinafter "Office Model") to its Hitachi WAN Accelerator Family lineup. Hitachi will begin selling this new Office Model on June 13 which is priced less than current models and targeted for relatively small offices such as domestic and overseas branch offices and development sites. Hitachi will also expand the Remote Backup Model lineup for high-speed backup between domestic and overseas data centers.

The Hitachi WAN Accelerator Family dramatically increases the throughput of TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) data transfer on WAN(Wide Area Network). With TCP data transfer, the performance is reduced significantly due to round-trip delay time and packet loss. The Hitachi WAN Accelerator Family uses a Hitachi proprietary algorithm to optimize the TCP data transfer performance and maximizes the use of physical WAN bandwidth. Hitachi WAN Accelerator Family reduces the data transmission time of large data that is updated frequently, which is difficult to optimize with typical caching technology, to dramatically improve business productivity.

While the current "High-end Model" has a transfer performance per TCP session(hereinafter "maximum TCP session performance") of 300 Mbps, the newly released Office Model has a maximum TCP session performance of 30 Mbps. This model has been designed for relatively small sites, such as branch offices and development sites. Hitachi has also added a new type of "Remote Backup Model", reducing the maximum TCP session performance from 1 Gbps to 150 Mbps, and suitable for high-speed backup between domestic and overseas data centers.

Hitachi provides a wide product lineup to respond flexibly to a variety of corporate applications and existing communications environments. Hitachi will continue to strengthen its high-speed network solutions, including the Hitachi WAN Accelerator Family, to meet corporate needs such as the utilization of big data and the introduction of cloud computing.