OREANDA-NEWS. June 18, 2013. Agrarians of APK “Titan” started industrial sowing of grain cultures and feed crops.

Sowing season started in all 9 structural subdivisions of APK “Titan” in early May. Pea and permanent grasses had already been sown in the enterprises, sowing of grains is continued presently. Unfavorable weather conditions – low temperature of air and precipitation – do not yet allow to start sowing works at full speed, but already now in a number of enterprises spring sowing had been completed on more than 30% of acreage. Besides, treatment of fallows and harrowing of crops is being made on the fields.

Structure of acreage in comparison to the previous year is basically the same: it is planned to use 52,6 thousand hectares for sowing of grain cultures, about 9 thousand hectares – for feed crops, the rest of the tillage is allocated for fallow feather.

Altogether 57 aggregates will be used in the campaign.