OREANDA-NEWS. Created on earth to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers, a team of GE researchers have created a comic superhero that is the embodiment of innovative technology sprung from GE’s labs. GENIUS MAN, as he is called, showcases the superpowers anyone can have through the power of human ingenuity and imagination.

“For decades, the comics have introduced us to superheroes that have been an inspiration to millions of fans who then dream about the amazing things each can do and accomplish,” said Rick Arthur, Manager of the Advanced Computing Lab in the Software & Analytics Group at GE Global Research. Rick also works with the U.S. Council on Competitiveness to stimulate interest in computational engineering. ”In fact, many of the great powers and abilities superheroes possess are rooted in some technical reality.”

Last week, a group of GE scientists hosted a two-hour “IAmA” Q+A forum on Reddit.com, answering questions about the science behind superheroes. To read the transcript, -click here-. They also received questions via Twitter. To see answers to those, visit Global Research’s technology blog, Edison’s Desk.

Arthur continued, “GE created GENIUS MAN to show the heroic, fun and cool side to being a scientist and engineer. From where I sit, I see the tremendously positive impact science and technology can have on our world and in people’s lives every day. Through GENIUS MAN, we hope to inspire a future generation of scientific talent by showcasing advances being made in technology.”

Each superpower GENIUS MAN possesses connects to a real technology that has real world applications in the marketplace. –Click here- to access the GENIUS MAN webpage to review each superpower and follow the links for a more in-depth explanation of how these technologies are being applied.

Arthur concluded, “The introduction of GENIUS MAN is just the beginning of a much broader campaign to inspire greater interest in science and engineering. And like any great scientist, he will constantly be thinking up new inventions to make possible what can only be dreamed of today.”