OREANDA-NEWS. June 27, 2013. SME Bank took part in the 5th annual forum of Newspaper Vedomosti on small and medium-sized business “Territory of business – territory of life” in Suzdal.

The forum was held under support of the RF Ministry for Economic Development and the All-Russian Non-governmental Organization of Small and Medium Business “OPORA ROSSII”. The main topic of the discussion was elaboration of measures creating equal opportunities for micro-, small and medium business throughout Russia.

The event was attended by Alexander Brechalov, President of OPORA-ROSSII, Dmitry Golovanov, Member of the Board – First Deputy Chairman of the Board of SME Bank, Natalya Larionova, Director of SME Development Department and Business Competition, RF Ministry of Economic Development, Valery Skorik, Director of Business, Trade and Services Department, the Administration of the Vladimir Oblast and representatives of the local authorities.

Addressing the forum Dmitry Golovanov gave an analysis of the SME sector, the effect of government’s new initiatives and announced SME Bank’s plans to enhance lending support for entrepreneurs.