OREANDA-NEWS. July 22, 2013. During the first half of 2013 authorities of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine have provided compensation for loss of financial and material resources of the state in the amount of UAH 762.8 million. A significant part of them are compensation for losses, which were found in previous years (UAH 335.3 million).

The amount reimbursed losses consists of funds which by the result of control action submitted to budgets, budgetary institutions and organizations and enterprises (UAH 231.8 mln.), as well as reimbursements and renewals of illegal, inappropriate costs and shortages of resources (UAH 531 million).

In general, during the reporting period state financial inspectors checked more than 3.3 thousand enterprises, institutions and organizations.

By the results of the curried during reporting period audits state fiscal discipline in the country is improved: we have reduction of proportion of enterprises, institutions and organizations, which have committed violations and number of irregularities admitted by control authorities.