OREANDA-NEWS. August 20, 2013. Mr. Lin, who lives in Fuzhou, received a call from a customer service representative of Industrial Bank (IB). The representative warned him that an abnormal transaction was done with the IB credit card under his name at ATM and required him to check whether the card was used by himself.

Being in doubt, Mr. Lin tried to find where his credit card was while complaining, “it can't be possible! It's so early in the morning, and I haven't gone out…” The representative of IB on the phone insisted on the check, and notified him that his credit card had been under control in order to prevent any losses happening to him.

“Ooh, my bag was left in my car!” While looking for his credit card, Mr. Lin suddenly recalled that his bag in which his credit card was put had been left in his car on the evening of the day before yesterday when he was hurrying home to celebrate his daughter's birthday. Mr. Lin went downstairs to check his car, and unsurprisingly, he found that the window of his car was smashed and his handbag containing wallet and credit card was stolen. Fortunately, the credit card was not used fraudulently thanks to the timely monitoring. “It's lucky that the bank monitored the abnormal transaction and notified me, thus reducing my losses. Otherwise, the result would be unimaginable!” Mr. Lin signed with emotion.

In fact, besides providing various innovative consumption functions of credit cards and publicizing various related concessions and sales promotions, more importantly, banks should be responsible for the “secured” use of cards by cardholders and help them to use their card in an “assured” and “free" manner.

Monitoring Transactions to Prevent Risks
As learnt by the reporter, IB is equipped with a 7*24h monitoring system and team for transactions with credit cards without interruption all the year round. According to the daily trading habits of a customer and the real-time trading time, type, amount and frequency, the system can automatically identify trading risks. In this way, the trading risk can be learnt by the monitoring officers and they can timely check the transaction to confirm with cardholders, so as to help them to prevent risks.

The credit card monitoring system and the core trading system are linked on a real-time basis. Therefore, when the special transactions with high risks are detected, card control will be activated simultaneously. In this way, no time will be lost to protect card security for the customers. Additionally, the transaction monitoring system and the SMS system are also linked on a real-time basis. Thus, cardholders can interact with the monitoring personnel through up and down short messages. It is safe and convenient.

More Secured with 3D Verification
The card security service of IB does not merely target at domestic transactions of cardholders, but also payments made by them at overseas websites. As early as 2008, in order to facilitate customers to do shopping abroad and improve the security of using cards overseas, IB released the verification service for the security of online payment with credit cards (3D verification system for short) jointly with international organizations including VISA and MASTERCARD. Customers holding IB credit cards with VISA or MASTERCARD marks could log on the credit card website of IB (http://creditcard.cib.com.cn/card/index.html) to handle relevant security setup, and the individualized information of cardholders will pop out upon transaction, which can effectively prevent the credit card information of customers being intercepted by a “phishing website” and used fraudulently by outlaws.

Consolidated Protection with Optimized Process
The ID verification and identification system plays an important role in the security protection system for credit cards, and the target that are likely to be attacked by frauds after they steal credit cards. In order to further increase the card security, as learnt by the reporter, IB devotes itself to improving the ID verification flow process and contents to identify the operation of frauds passing themselves off as cardholders in a more effective manner, thus reducing the rate of fraudulence significantly. To avoid the risk of fraudulent use due to the simple passwords set by cardholders, IB also continues intensifying the password management and control and elevates the overall security level for multi-channel password setup including internet banking and mobile banking, guiding cardholders to set safer payment passwords actively.

In addition, targeting at the worst-hit areas with frequent counterfeit card cases around the world, IB credit card system also sets up corresponding control modules in particular where special card use parameters can be configured. After cardholders using their cards in such areas, the bank will carry out data analysis and make scientific estimation over the card risk probability, provide customers with special card replacement service process, so as to prevent losses to customers due to transactions with counterfeit cards after the card information is stolen and duplicated.

Detailed Services to Show Care
It is the never-ending theme for the credit cards of IB to improve the service quality. In terms of enhancing the risk awareness of cardholders, IB has also devoted itself to show its care for cardholders with detailed services. For instance, it actively launches security publicity for cardholders, popularizing card security knowledge among cardholders by way of mobile short message, website and bank statement, so as to guide customers to cultivate a good habit in using cards. It has set up a special office to collect customers' opinions from various channels, opened official Sina weibo and Tencent weibo of IB Credit Card Center to have online communication with cardholders, follow up their feedbacks in a timely manner and give prompt replies, and give online replies to various questions about the use of cards raised by cardholders. All of these aim to provide a better experience of card security to all cardholders.