OREANDA-NEWS. September 03, 2013. FPK Logistics, a subsidiary of the Federal Passenger Company, has begun implementing a project to run its own baggage train services. The first baggage train on the Vladivostok - Moscow service will arrive at Moscow's Yaroslavl station.

In the future, FPK Logistics plans to ensure regular departures of its own baggage trains on the Moscow - Vladivostok route up to twice a week. The baggage will only be transported on express baggage trains, with delivery of the goods from Vladivostok to Moscow made in under 10 days.

In addition to fast delivery times and a flexible cost structure, the client benefits from the unlimited weight and volume of the consignment accepted for carriage at the same time. In addition, the customer can deliver the goods for transport either to Okeanskaya station, where the baggage trains are put together, or at the FPK Logistics' warehouse in the center of Vladivostok.

The basic services include:

delivery of the baggage under the warehouse-warehouse scheme, by which the goods are accepted and issued using the FPK Logistics' warehouse;



wagon-wagon, when handling work at the departure and/or destination stations is carried out by the client under control of our acceptance/delivery inspector, thus further reducing the cost of transportation.

The baggage can also be delivered "door-to-door."

Optional services are available for packaging, consolidation and temporary storage.