OREANDA-NEWS.  September 03, 2013. Through September 16-18, 2013 Yalta, the Crimean AR will host the ХХІ International scientific-practical conference “Urgent issues of intellectual property” – the most large-scale forum in Ukraine in the sphere of legal protection of intellectual property.

Organizers of the event are the State Service for Intellectual Property, World Intellectual Property Organization, Ukrainian institute of industrial property state-owned enterprise. 

“It is pleasant to realize that the interest to Yalta international conference dedicated to intellectual property issues never fades. On the contrary, year after year the number of concerned participants is growing, as well as eth circle of urgent topics for considering,” the head of the State Service for Intellectual Property Mykola Kovinya stressed.

According to Mykola Kovinya, the attention of participants of this year’s conference – guests, reporters, among which are highly qualified specialists, experts – will focus principally around intersection points of prospects to improve the system of legal protection of copyright and related rights under current conditions.

Among the subjects of fruitful discussion have to be effective mechanisms of protection of intellectual property rights, including in agrochemistry and pharmaseutics. There will also be considered practical aspects of commercialization of intellectual property rights, international instruments of technologies’ transfer, economics of intellectual property, practice of considering applications for objects of industrial property etc.  

An interesting event in the frames of the conference will be a seminar organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization “Protection of copyright and related rights in digital environment”.