OREANDA-NEWS. Southern Nevada will become the epicenter of the business aviation industry as the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) brings its annual meeting to Henderson Executive Airport and the Las Vegas Convention Center Tuesday through Thursday, Oct. 22-24. NBAA's Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA2013) is the sixth-largest trade show in the United States, and features more than 1,000 exhibits displayed across 1 million square feet of floor space and two static displays of aircraft.

The static aircraft display at Henderson Executive Airport will include approximately 100 business aircraft, while the Las Vegas Convention Center will house a new indoor static display. The display - the first of its kind at an NBAA convention - will feature 10 to 15 light business aircraft, allowing attendees to review and compare a selection of business aircraft without ever leaving the show's exhibit floor. In addition to the static displays, the convention offers attendees more than 100 education sessions on the industry's most pressing issues.

Convention organizers worked with the Clark County Department of Aviation and Federal Aviation Administration to help participating aircraft move in and out of the airport with increased efficiency, though Clark County residents will notice more aircraft traffic than normal in advance of and shortly after the NBAA event.

The Clark County Department of Aviation has previously hosted NBAA events, most recently at Henderson Executive Airport in October 2011. That gathering drew more than 26,000 visitors and 1,100 exhibitors who generated an estimated nongaming economic impact of \\$27.6 million, according to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. The trade show is also scheduled to return to Southern Nevada in 2015 and 2017, further extending NBAA's contributions to the local economy well into the future.

NBAA will also honor members of the aviation community for their contributions to business aviation, including Astronaut Gene Cernan, a three-time space farer and "the last man on the moon," who will receive the Meritorious Service to Aviation Award in recognition of his extensive contributions to furthering achievements in aviation and aerospace, and for his steadfast support of the industry.