OREANDA-NEWS. January 24, 2014. The fourth session of the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) took place in Abu Dhabi and was attended by the government delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Kazakh delegation at IRENA was headed by the Minister of Environment and Water Resources Nurlan Kapparov. Our country is a full member of this organization since 2013. However, we are actively involved in the formation of the organization for years.

This year, more than one thousand delegates forming the development of renewable energy sector in the world came to the IRENA's Assembly where interactive ministerial round tables, plenary sessions and workshops are carried out. Government delegations represent 151 countries of the world.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Assembly, Director General of International Renewable Energy Agency Adnan Amin summed up the past year and outlined approaches to the development prospects of renewable energy and work priorities for 2014 in his speech.

According to him, many countries have begun to use a program for reducing energy consumption, which is good for economic growth and development of alternative energy.

Culmination of the Assembly's first day was the ceremony of signing the Global Atlas of IRENA by the ministers of 43 countries that joined the organization in 2013.

Two ministerial round tables on IRENA cooperation with the private sector, on discussion of IRENA Agency's budget were held on January 18. High-level group's sessions, technical meetings on global solar energy and wind atlas as well as renewable energy are among other activities.

According to Nurlan Kapparov, participation in “Stability week” (Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week) in the UAE capital is very important, because Kazakhstan is interested in cooperation with world leaders in the field of alternative energy.

"We will present International specialized exhibition "EXPO-2017", the concept of the transition to a "Green Economy" as well as a partnership program "Green Bridge" to the international community at the upcoming summit on Future Energy. All three of our major projects are very well integrated and themes have something in common. It is the first presentation of "EXPO 2017 " at an international level," the Minister said.