OREANDA-NEWS. Bashneft's President Alexander Korsik and the Governor of the Orenburg Region Yury Berg signed a Protocol for 2014 to the Agreement on Social and Economic Development concluded by the Company and the Government of the Orenburg Region in 2013.

The Protocol stipulates that this year Bashneft must increase funding of infrastructure and social projects in the Orenburg Region to 20 million roubles, which involves expanding the geographical scope of its charitable programmes and providing targeted support for projects in the Alexandrovsky, Oktyabrsky, Perevolotsky and Orenburgsky Districts, where the Company implements oil production projects.

The document signed by Bashneft and the Government of the Orenburg Region reflects the high level of their cooperation aimed at supporting sustainable social and economic development of the region and creating a favourable environment for the Company's investing activities and operations.

Note: Companies of Bashneft Group operating in the Orenburg Region conduct business in the sphere of oil production and sales of petroleum products. LLC Bashneft-Dobycha conducts upstream operations at the Kitayamsko-Blagodarovskiy and Dachno-Repinskiy licence areas (in 2013 production totalled 151 thousand tonnes). The Bashneft-Orenburgnefteprodukt Branch is one of the leading suppliers of petroleum products in the Orenburg Region. In 2013 Bashneft sold over 600 thousand tonnes of petroleum products in the region. In 2013 Bashneft's enterprises paid over 1 billion roubles in tax to the budget of the Orenburg Region.