OREANDA-NEWS. February 03, 2014. A particular significance is attached in our country to the effective use of the internet, modern information and computer technologies in education, as well as digital and broadband telecommunication means. An important guide for action on this front has been the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures to Extend the Introduction and Promotion of Modern Information and Communication Technologies” signed 21 March 2012.

The introduction of a cutting-edge system of information and communication technologies in the organizations and agencies of the Republic of Karakalpakstan helps create conditions and additional opportunities for providing the population with wide-ranging interactive services. A variety of competitions and events are organized at the Nukus branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies in order to marshal and fund innovation projects by the talented youth.

A special emphasis is placed at the institution on the elaboration and realization of national programs in the introduction of information and communication technologies. Notably, information systems like the Talaba-S, Sammer, КАRМАТ, Unicos, Moodle, Dekanat and others have been yielding remarkable effects.

The young scholars of this education institution have embarked on a range of research and applied works directed at creating a single information space in higher education institutions and establishing a system through this to offer interactive services. In order to provide interactive services in the education system, broad scope software was created that is convenient for use and whose database is to be filled regularly with fresh information.

“Currently, for the software created for innovation projects “The database of the information and resource center of a higher education institution”, “Designing the organization of activities of higher education institutions in the Inter-VUZ system”, “Creation of software for the establishment and management of the model of activities of higher education institutions in the Inter-VUZ system” and other schemes, we have received a software certification at the Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Uzbekistan,” says Elmurod Bobojonov, senior lecturer of the Nukus branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies.

Today, 560 students are enrolled at this branch in three majors. In particular, those young people attaining thorough knowledge and skills in such specializations as computer engineering, telecommunications and professional education, have been working on innovation ideas and promising projects.

Multimedia-based study guides in all disciplines are produced with the involvement of gifted students to raise the effectiveness of the learning process. The faculty of the institution support and perfect from the scientific viewpoint the new ideas, developments and projects by the youth.
The software product “Russian-English-Karakalpak Dictionary” developed by the second-year graduate student Azizbek Kadirov is undergoing improvement with the help of specialists. So is the software project created by the first-year student of this department Bekbusin Kholmurodov entitled “Guide for Self-Education English”.