OREANDA-NEWS. Blagoveshchensk Valves Plant (JSC BVP, Blagoveshchensk, Bashkortostan, a part of United Metallurgical Company, CJSC OMK) is announcing an open contest for the BVP anthem.

The contest's aim is to create a musical piece devoted to the love Blagoveshchensk citizens feel for the city's core enterprise, the company's history, its cultural traditions, and the labor achievements of its employees.

Any person, both professional and amateur composers and poets, may participate in the contest. Texts and music may be submitted to the contest either separately or as a single piece (words and music together).

On March 15, 2014, the contest commission will announce a winner who will be awarded a cash prize of

10,000 RUB. Materials for the contest are to be submitted either in paper or electronic form (CD, flash card, printed or handwritten sheets) between February 3, and March 1, 2014 to the following address: 1, Sedov St., Blagoveshchensk, PR department, tel.: 8 (34766) 2-12-64, e-mail: mbelova@omk.ru <mailto:mbelova@omk.ru> with the marking “Anthem.”