OREANDA-NEWS. Karelia is ranked third in Russia in appeal for tourists. About 1,9 million people has visited the republic last year, about one third of them were organised-mass tourists and holiday-makers. Valery Kiryanov, Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Karelia for Tourism, has told about it at the briefing in the government of the republic summing up the results achieved in tourism industry in 2013.

In 2013 the volume of inbound tourism flows of organised-mass tourism and holiday-makers to Karelia has grown up to 595,000 people from 540,000 in 2012. Aggregate income of all types of inbound tourism has grown up to 6 billion roubles against 5,25 billion roubles in 2012. Tourism employment has increased from 2890 to 3130 persons.

- Karelia has achieved indicators set by the long-term target program of tourism development in full or with insignificant excess, - Valery Kiryanov has noted. - Once again the republic has confirmed its status of the region attractive in the field of active tourism. In this sphere it has the lead positions in Russia and it is ranked third in Russia in appeal for tourists.

The State Committee for Tourism established in June, 2013, is aimed at the branch development, including on advancement of tourist brands of Karelia and creation of conditions for mobilization of investments into this sphere. So, active work on attracting funds from the federal budget, involvement of the republic in federal target programs was conducted. In particular, the State Committee for Tourism took part in elaboration of the federal target program on development of Solovetsky archipelago, and 516 million roubles is allowed in its draft to support objects of cultural heritage in Kem and municipal marine terminal in Rabocheostrovsk.

Major efforts on preparation of the application form concerning the republic's participation in the federal program of development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018) regarding creation of a tourist cluster continued within the past year. Under the offer of the Federal Tourism Agency the issue of merging Zaonezhsky and Priladozhsky basic zones of tourism development which possess considerable potential in one tourist and recreation cluster of Southern Karelia is being worked out.

Together with Kizhi open-air museum the State Committee has taken part in the bid campaign advancing the regional tourist product.

- From among 500 bids that have been submitted we've managed to achieve the victory of the the Kizhi regatta which this year will take place in a new format as the first international festival of water tourism, - Valery Kiryanov has told.

The festival will take place from July, 31 to August, 3. Representatives of Scandinavia and countries of the near abroad are supposed to take part in it. For the first time the republic's action will be supported by 1,5 million roubles from the federal support, as well as by federal attention, as an advertising tour for the leading tour operators of the country and a press round for Russian mass-media will be organised during the festival. Except for the regatta, it is planned that guests will visit Petrozavodsk, Medvezhiegorsk and the area of Lake Ladoga coast to see the sights of Karelia.

A lot of attention is also paid to advancement of tourist potential via Internet. The entire spectrum of the tourist branch of the republic is presented on the portal of the Information tourist centre of Karelia visitkarelia.travel. On the number of unique visitors in the Northwest Federal District this resource is second only to a similar resource of St.Petersburg.

Besides, the State Committee supports participation of tourist organisations in international projects, of which 11 are under implementation. The most bright of them is The White Road project financed from the EU funds thanks to which 6 information tourist centres have been equipped in northern regions of the republic last year.

According to Valery Kiryanov, competition in the sphere of tourism keeps growing. Competition for tourists is in progress between the regions, and within the republic. However, there are objects which manage to gain great popularity. For example, Ruskeala marble mine park is catching up with Valaam on visitation. If less than 10 years ago it was visited by 4,000 people, today the number of visitors makes about 70,000. Some tour operators report of 37% growth of the number of served tourists.

The branch of tourism demands a lot of investments, and those who had already invested into infrastructure development have begun to obtain results, Chairman of the State Committee has mentioned.

About 40-50 projects in the sphere of tourism infrastructure are under construction or reconstruction in Karelia annually. Its active development within the territory of the republic associated with consecutive implementation of three regional target programs launched in 2000 has enabled growth of the number of collective accommodation facilities from 43 to 130 with growth of lodging availability from 3300 to 8500 rooms and growth of the level of their comfort in short terms.

The fourth program of development of tourism in the Republic of Karelia in 2012-2015 is currently under implementation. From the budget of the republic this year is has been assigned 5 million roubles to support the branch.

Mission of the tourist branch of Karelia is to become one of the components of the economic base of the region along with forestry and mining.

- At the moment, the share of tourism in formation of gross regional product is not large. However, multiplier effect of the branch offers great opportunities. As a result of creation of tourist clusters and tourist complexes we expect that the share of tourism in formation of gross regional product will achieve 8 percent and above it, - Valery Kiryanov said.