OREANDA-NEWS. Director of Information Technology department of "Concern Galnaftogaz" Andrii Vishnevskyi was recognized as the best in the nomination "Energy and Fuel Complex" at the VI National Contest of IT-directors of enterprises - BEST CIO 2013.

This competition, starting from 2008, is held by the magazine "Computer Review" with the support of Microsoft Corporation. "The purpose and objectives of competition remain unchanged for six years, - said Mikhail Laptev, chief editor of the "Computer Review" and the chairman of the jury "BEST CIO" at the award ceremony on the 21st of January. - We strive to strengthen the role and weight of CIOs in those companies where they work and in the market in general".

The winners were determined in 10 categories that represented different market segments. The level of participants Best CIO 2013 was evaluated by jury, which included representatives of the organizers and partners of the competition, market experts and winners of the contest from previous years.

"The greatest satisfaction for me is that, - Andrii Vyshnevskyi commented the contest results - we were able to create a great team in the department. This award is a clear indication of professionalism of our team. And this is the most important".

Analyst firm IDC, a partner of the contest, granted all finalists a special prize - a paid participation in the forum IDC CIO Summit, which will be held on the 9th-11th of April in Vienna.