OREANDA-NEWS. April 30, 2014. Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX) as part of National Science Week, issued a call to action to other businesses to join the company in supporting project-based learning methods to increase engagement in STEM and promote engineering design thinking in classrooms across the U.S.

 In doing so, Chevron supported this call to action by announcing an additional USD30 million commitment to create national partnerships with STEM focused organizations, raising its total commitment to USD 130 million since 2011.

"Our charge is clear: the U.S. must increase student engagement in STEM subjects," said Steve Green, vice president, Policy, Government, and Public Affairs for Chevron Corporation. "This is not a small challenge, and the business community has to do its part. If we want to truly make a difference, we must all work together to provide educators with resources to interest students and prepare them for STEM related careers."

Chevron's new commitments to project-based learning, which allows students to build on their classroom learning by doing activities and solving problems, include partnerships and investments with:

Achieve – Chevron will partner with Achieve to support adoption and implementation of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and to align programs supported by Chevron to the standards.

The Fab Foundation – Chevron will partner with The Fab Foundation to bring fabrication labs (Fab Lab) to areas where Chevron operates. A Fab Lab consists of a suite of digital fabrication and rapid prototyping machines. Working in Fab Labs, students can develop the systems thinking, problem solving and analytical skills needed to innovate.    

National Academy of Engineering – Chevron is supporting a new National Academy of Engineering initiative that will provide expert, research-based guidance to those involved in overseeing engineering education in kindergarten through grade 12. This effort will create a clearinghouse of curriculum materials and resources and connect engineering education experts with teachers, administrators, and others involved in providing engineering experiences to students.

Project Lead the Way – Chevron is partnering with Project Lead The Way (PLTW), the nation's leading provider of STEM programs to deliver world-class, activity, project, and problem-based curriculum to help students develop the skills needed to succeed in our global economy.

"Few things are more important to our students and the future of American competitiveness than a quality education," Green continued. "Chevron is proud to champion STEM education and is motivated to make a real, tangible difference through our partnerships with these world-class organizations. We hope others will join the cause and help set-up a prosperous framework for both students and society."

"Chevron's investments are a model for public-private partnership," said Professor Neil Gershenfeld, director, Center for Bits and Atoms, MIT. "Providing widespread access to STEM skills and tools is much more than just an educational program; it's the path to a more inclusive economy."

In forming national partnerships with select education non-profits, Chevron is forging public-private alliances with national, results-oriented organizations to promote STEM interests and increase access to and the quality of education for students. These partnerships will build upon Chevron's prior support for STEM initiatives and continue to take a holistic approach to  investments in education, including: Supporting educational programs and standards that promote activity and interest in STEM, including project and problem-based learning curriculum; supporting teacher training;  providing classroom resources; funding out-of-school activities; and developing partnerships with universities designed to strengthen faculty, curriculum and student development.